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ALL BWWI Live Events will be moved online. Details TBD ASAP!

In 2016, Guruji Sri Yogacharya Arun Kumarji & Yogavisharada Priyaji first brought PranaShakthi Mahavidya – The great Science of Cosmic Energy to us. They return for a brief visit to share more PranaShakthi classes and programs! They return to us for 10 days during their next tour of the USA. You are invited to join us with 6 very special PranaShakthi events this April, 2020.

The most profound energy healing technique found today anywhere in the world, Pranashakthi Healing makes connects with every dimension and energetic resonance. Students receive Initiation into a sacred technique for healing one’s self and others using infinite dimensional cosmic energies, directly and remotely – through both touch, non-touch and distance methods.

4/18/2020: 9AM-6PM: RETURNING STUDENTS PranaShakthi Master Healer-Teacher Training w/ Guruji Arun & Yogavisharada Priya (Copy)

4/18/2020: 9AM-6PM: RETURNING STUDENTS PranaShakthi Master Healer-Teacher Training w/ Guruji Arun & Yogavisharada Priya (Copy)


Saturday April 18th, 9AM-6PM: PranaShakthi Master Healer-Teacher Training w/ Guruji Arun & Yogavisharada Priya at Crystal Cognizance, 2239-B Tacketts Mill Dr · Woodbridge, VA (Entrance is at the back lower level, overlooking the pond. Call Dahlia at 703-772-4435 if you have trouble finding us.) THE NEXT DAY all Master Students will be invited to attend a program ONLY for them at Rising Phoenix Holistic Center in Manassas, VA..

Returning Master Students who are already in this program can attend this all-day class for only $150. You can pay $155 via credit card or PayPal here NOTE: Purchase option with credit card or PayPal has an additional 5% processing fee. If you pay with Venmo, CashApp, Zelle, cash or check there is no additional fee. For those payment options, please purchase by the other sales selection (that will not charge you) next to this one. Then submit payment in your modality of choice. If using an app, please pay $150 to or 202-497-8780.

On Sunday, April 19th, Master Students are invited to attend an all-day Skills Practice Session led by Guruji, Priya-ji & Bonita. MASTER STUDENTS WILL GET THE ENTIRE 2ND WEEKEND OF GURUJI’S & PRIYA-JI’S VISIT TO OURSELVES!!!!!

Learn techniques that take your PranaShakthi healing to the next dimension! (Prerequisite: Students MUST have already completed both PranaShakthi Levels 1 & 2 Certification Courses to qualify for this program)

PranaShakthi Master Healer-Teacher Training (Today's program includes BOTH certifications!)

12 class hours (8 hours in person & 4 hours online)

8 hours online practice sessions

Please dress in comfortable clothing. Bring writing material (notebook & pens), a water bottle, lunch and personal snacks. You are welcome to join us at a local restaurant for dinner after class!

Master Healer Program:

1) Master Healer Attunement and Invocation - Grow your connection

2) PranaShakthi Shamvhavi Healing – Learn to use your 3rd eye to transmit to a powerful frequency of healing that can can burn any kind of negativity into ashes. This is especially helpful for physical healing and stubborn blockages. This technique is very intense & powerful!

3) PranaShakthi Divine Touch Method – Learn to balance any chakra within a few seconds through the divine touch.

4) PranaShakthi Divine Writing Healing – Connect with all dimensions and frequencies for cosmically channeled and divinely assisted writing. This technique can help you to move your individual awareness aside, integrate with Divine Consciousness and find the information or messages your client needs.

Master Teacher Program:

Learn to initiate & attune seekers for PranaShakthi Introduction Program and PranaShakthi Level 1 & 2 certification courses. You will learn PranaShakthi teaching methodology, the materials, outline, as well as how and what to teach for each program.

1) Receive Master Teacher initiation, attunement and invocation

2) Learn the process to offer the initiation and attunement

3) Teaching Pranashakthi Intro level

4) Teaching Pranashakthi level 1

5) Teaching Pranashakthi level 2

6) Healing a group of people up to 10

7) Lead a Pranashakthi Celebration

8) Lifetime support with the master teacher teachers

You will gain access to the online PranaShakthi Portal only available to the Certified Healer-Teacher Community. This portal includes access to:

1) Mini training videos

2) Chat forum

3) Certification process & official documents

4) Practice Sessions and Q&A Sessions

5) Global PranaShakthi resources and community connection

6) Your contact information in the Global PranShakthi Registry and Practitioner Referral.

7) Ability to promote your services and programs on the global website

This program is required for anyone who wishes to become a certified PranaShakthi Healer &/or Teacher.

SPECIAL OFFER FOR OUR CLASS ONLY! Payment Special $1100. Contact Bonita at (202)497-8780 if you need to set up a payment plan. Our class will be the template for our coming online program. We will be credited on the class video. Our contact information will be among the first listed on the global registry!

Future classes will only be offered online and cost $1500 and will only be available online.

Guruji Sri Yogacharya Arun Kumarji is a master and teacher of yogic sciences and rediscoverer of the ancient energy healing technique of Pranashakthi Mahavidya. He is also Senior Consultant of Yoga and Meditation for the Apollo Hospitals Group in Chennai, India and is a wellness consultant for many corporations. Thousands of patients suffering from a great range of ailments have benefited from his “Midas touch.” For his contribution to society in the field of yoga, meditation, and well-being, the Prime Minister’s Office of India nominated Guruji for the Bheemsen Pathi National Award in 2009.

In addition to these achievements, Guruji is founder and director of Infinite Dimension Charitable Trust of Chennai, India, whose goal is empowering individuals through self-sufficiency. Most recently, he founded Pranashakthi USA, Inc., a nonprofit public benefit organization dedicated to the well-being of all through the application of high-level yogic knowledge.

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