2/1: The Story of Judas the Pure from Jesus & Mary Magdalene
2/1: The Story of Judas the Pure from Jesus & Mary Magdalene
Sunday February 1st, 3 - 4:30 PM Online
For nearly 2 years, Jesus has been asking Bonita to share the real story of both his best friend Judas the Pure and his beloved wife Mary Magdalene. Get ready for a tale like you have never heard before! It will begin many lives before their famous time! They will transport us to other realms of reality, explain their preferred dimensions. They will share what they are doing now and how they hope to help with our future and with all realities.
Before we come to life, we plan in advance what our personal lessons, life paths and soul contracts will be. Of course, nothing ever goes as planned... Learn directly from Jesus, Mary & Judas how they designed their lives, what worked smoothly and well... and all the things that went incredibly wrong... Plus all they perfect achievements that have been unwritten over time.
Bonita meditates with and channels many guides & several collectives. These days she works predominately with Gaia Divine Mother of All, The Librarians of the Akashic Records, the InterGalactic Council of Healers, Way Showers & PeaceMakers and the specific sub-group within, the Dancers of the Divine Light. She connects daily with Divine Messengers and personal LightBeings of Love and taps into Cosmic Information Highways and InterDimensional Wisdom!
Attendees will get audio & video recordings of this event. Please be sure to give your email when you RSVP so we can send yo the event link before this amazing program & send the recordings recordings after it is over.
Videos from Bonita's last channeling class at The Amethyst Center in Roanoke, VA (http://theamethystcenter.com). The energy was so strong, most of the video could not be used! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVvLtobPues&t=87s & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CXb_i__WEA&t=782s
Here are several videos of Bonita channeling:
Channeled Messages from the Akashic Record Guardians and Librarians https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Td-_87Bvg6E&t=2460s
Bonita Channels Messages from Jesus and Mary Magdalene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GTHAOzsVx4&t=1926s
Bonita Channels the Elephant Collective https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vGBnHlhULs&t=3s
Bio: Bonita Woods (author of The Akashic Adventures book series) was born with full memory of her entire existence, including all her lives and her time between lives. She is one of only three PranaShakthi Master Teachers on the American Continent. Bonita weaves this powerful and ancient Hindu practice with her Shamanic roots and ability to travel through dimensions. Additionally, Bonita is an experienced Aetheric Surgeon, Soul Realignment Healer and Akashic Record Reader.
With over 50 years of experience of visiting her personal Akashic Records, Bonita has learned multiple techniques and attunements for working with the Akasha as well as other dimensions of both Higher and Lower Plains. As a child, Bonita was lucky to have an inter-dimensional portal in her back yard. She assumed this was a normal part of life and visited the Akasha, as well as other Realms of Existence, almost daily through her early years. Now Bonita is happy to share the knowledge gleaned from her accrued years of Extraordinary Experiences with you! Learn more ar www.BonitaWoods.org