12/30: Share Kindness & Love with Yourself
12/30: Share Kindness & Love with Yourself
Monday, December 30th 7-8 PM (EST)
Are you ready to bring your BEST SELF into the New Year? This process will absolutely make your resolutions list shorter and much more fun!
Everyone deserves LOVE, including you! Do you treat yourself with the same respect and appreciation that you give to others? Are you harder, more demanding, upon yourself than you need to be? Do you think there is anyone else who is better than or more deserving than you?
If you think YES to any of these questions, then you have learned some bad habits! Join Bonita to see how self-depreciating attitudes are not only WRONG, but easily rerouted towards TRUTH and HONEST SELF-APPRECIATION!
Learn how to UNBLOCK your Chakras, let your ENERGY flow and your SELF-LOVE Light glow!!!!! It is easier than you could imagine and Bonita is thrilled to share these simple skills with you.
All attending this program will get audio & video recording of this program AND a very useful handout worksheet.