Bonita is scrying with crystal ball and pendulum 10.23.19.jpg

Online Classes

VISIT OUR NEW ONLINE SCHOOL (CLICK HERE) All courses will move here soon :D

Bonita is traveling all over the world, teaching in many wonderful and welcoming communities! While on her extended Walk-About, Bonita is happily offering her classes online as well. You are invited to join our amazing global mandala of internet healers.


3/4 & 3/11/2020: Increase your Power with PranaShakthi

3/4 & 3/11/2020: Increase your Power with PranaShakthi


OUR 1st INTEGRATIVE PRANASHAKTHI WEB CLASS SERIES WILL BE Wednesdays, March 3rd & 11th, from 7 to 9 PM in the convenient comfort of your own home! This program is designed for those pf you interested in combining PranaShakthi with your other intuitive, meditative and healing modalities. Imagine how amazingly powerful your Reiki, mediumship, card reading, etc… skills will be when supported by the platform of PranaShakthi!

Amplify your energetic power! Combine PranaShakthi with your current healing modalities to create an infinite energy grid and magnify your impact! The ancient Hindu art of PranaShakthi is the most profound energy healing technique in the world. PranaShakthi connects with every dimension and energetic resonance in all existence and with all realities.

Use the Power of PranaShakthi to:

- Connect your work to powerful grids to expand your impact for yourself, your clients and planetary healing!

- Tap into the power of planetary mandalas to amp up your individual healing and meditations

- Connect your inner being with your personal Networks of Creation

PranaShakthi Master-Teacher Bonita Woods will take you on a unique Divine journey to the Power of your Divine Potential!

Bonita will share with you:

Lesson 1) Introduction & energetic attunement to PranaShakthi PLUS How to practice PranaShakthi healing on yourself & with partners

Lesson 2) Incorporate PranaShakthi with your current modalities and practice PLUS Match your vibration to that which you connect with and expand together with cohesion

Lesson 3) Connect your newly integrated skills with crystals, animals, trees, natural elements, lay-lines, global mandalas and energetic grids

Lesson 4) Expand your PranaShakthi to connect with light beings and non-physical friends to amplify your work in all directions, to all dimensions (give and receive / fully connect)

Each attendee will get both audio & video recordings of the classes, a downloadable workbook and additional guided quick-meditations

See our PranaShakthi videos at

Bio: Bonita Woods (author of The Akashic Adventures book series) was born with full memory of her entire existence, including all her lives and her time between lives. She is one of only three PranaShakthi Master Teachers on the American Continent. Bonita weaves this powerful and ancient Hindu practice with her Shamanic roots and ability to travel through dimensions. Additionally, Bonita is an experienced Aetheric Surgeon, Soul Realignment Healer and Akashic Record Reader.
With over 50 years of experience of visiting her personal Akashic Record, Bonita has learned multiple techniques and attunements for working with the Akasha as well as other dimensions of both Higher and Lower Plains. As a child, Bonita was lucky to have an inter-dimensional portal in her back yard. She assumed this was a normal part of life and visited the Akasha, as well as other Realms of Existence, almost daily through her early years. Now Bonita is happy to share the knowledge gleaned from her accrued years of Extraordinary Experiences with you!

Learn more about Bonita at, on facebook (, twitter ( and youtube (

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