Control Your Own Health
Please watch this video. Garth McLean is a reminder that we can define ourselves to fit our own meaning for life. He has a great website at Yogarth. This is what Boomer Living said about Garth: "We profile Garth McLean and his unconventional battle with Multiple Sclerosis through Iyengar Yoga. The title “Courage and Caution” refers to the advice Yogacharya BKS Iyengar offered Garth upon learning of the challenges he faces with MS."
We are not promoting any single program. Arthur reclaimed his health and well-being with a different yoga modality than Garth. Feldenkrais and Pilates are also wonderful! Did you know that Joseph Pilates was in charge of helping some of the top professional dancers recover from injuries? (I go to Inner Core Wellness where Maria Sisson-Wright helped me recover form a horrifying shoulder injury & back surgery with Pilates. Every doctor said I would be in great pain and increasingly become a hunchback for life. With Maria’s help, I gained back full strength and mobility! Not a hump or hunch in sight!
I’m not speaking against doctors or modern medical practices. I am just saying that we must do our own research and be in charge of our own personal choices of well-being. Even the best of experts in any area of knowledge is not all knowing. Here are wonderful examples of exploring all options with an open mind for research. Again, don’t take my word for it. Use me as you should use all advisers and information expressers… As opportunities to help you find your best informed pool of research.